Private Sector
The purpose of the private sector track was to enhance the contribution and active engagement of private sector representatives, both during the preparatory period for, and at the Fourth UN LDC Conference, in particular with a view to helping identify concrete, action-oriented proposals addressing LDC-specific problems and challenges in the area of investment, enterprise development and finance. These proposals contributed directly to the formulation of innovative strategies that formed the new development framework to be adopted at the Conference by the UN Member States.
The UN Global Compact Office coordinatined the organization of the private sector track events in collaboration with UN-OHRLLS. The UN Global Compact is a strategic policy initiative for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
The three main events of the private sector track were:
1. Global Business Partnership Forum (9-13 May 2011)
A multi-stakeholder, working-level platform for dialogue among business, investors, Government officials and other stakeholders over four days. Numerous workshops and plenary sessions addressed key LDC themes including: good governance; peace and stability; productive capacity and entrepreneurship; access to finance and markets; climate change; and infrastructure. The Forum also explored the particular relevance of specific sectors in LDCs, for example agriculture, tourism, telecommunication, energy services and extractives.
The Forum approached business and investment opportunities in LDCs from both the vantage point of large international companies looking into LDC development, as well as domestic LDC companies seeking growth and partnerships. The Forum also provided a springboard for the launch of an ongoing platform for LDC partnerships with the private sector.
2. High-Level Meeting on Investment and Partnerships (9 May 2011)
A high-level luncheon convening Heads of State and Government, chief executives and other top leaders. The meeting provided a unique opportunity for the private sector to engage in high-level dialogue with Government heads from around the world. Through roundtable discussions, business leaders had the opportunity to:
- Showcase corporate practices and announce new partnerships between business and Governments in support of development
- Identify new, scalable collective action and innovative business models for contributing to development in the LDCs
- Highlight ways in which Governments can further facilitate business engagement in LDCs
The High-Level Meeting was designed to appeal to the priorities and interests of chief executives from both international companies and LDC enterprises.
3. Trade Fair (9-13 May 2011)
The dynamic trade fair showcased exports and other commercial opportunities in the LDCs. It featured an array of booths from LDC as well as from non-LDC companies. Furthermore, each LDC had the opportunity to present their specific business and investment opportunities.
The Fair also incorporated a unique dialogue forum to promote a wider knowledge on challenges faced by LDCs, with the goal of facilitating discussion among LDC exporters and interested buyers, partners and investors. Learn more about the Trade Fair .