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Climate and Consequence, Interview with UN News Geneva
“It’s a climate crisis now.
— United Nations Geneva (@UNGeneva) March 6, 2023
People are dying because of it.” #ClimateChange is driving famine. 220 mln people don't know where their next meal will come from. UN Famine Prevention & Response Coordinator @RGhelani calls for climate funding and adaptation now. #ClimateAction
OECD Development Cooperation Roundtable on food insecurity
Global food insecurity is on the rise.
— OECD Development Co-operation (@OECDdev) March 1, 2023
Conflict, climate change and economic shocks have led to an increase in #hunger around the world.
What are the impacts of the #FoodCrisis on the most vulnerable communities, and how can development co-operation partners help?
Mission to Somalia
What we need now in Somalia is emergency life-saving assistance, urgent funding for the @UN, NGOs and partners.
— Reena Ghelani (@rghelani) February 17, 2023
The families I've met last week in Somalia need help now. Tomorrow will be too late.
- Feeding the Forgotten
Awake at Night: In this episode, Reena Ghelani reflects on the horrific impacts of hunger, on the lengths parents will go to feed a child and shares her advice for women pursuing a career as a humanitarian. - In famine, 'f' is for failure
Al-Jazeera: joint op-ed with Fati N'zi Hassane, Oxfam in Africa Director - Community empowerment in the commune of Simiri
OCHA Niger: webstory from Niger - Women's Peace & Humanitarian Fund (WPHF) Launches First Ever Global Funding Appeal Supporting Women Working at the Forefront of the Fight against Famine
WPHF: Women's Peace and Humanitarian Fund's press release - Women and girls against hunger
Instagram: Janet Mbugua's post - Women in northern Kenya tackle drought through alternative livelihoods
World Vision Kenya: press release - Musicians & UN Leaders Joined Forces to Fight Global Hunger During Coachella
Billboard: article - First UN famine coordinator pushes to eradicate starvation
Devex: Profile by Teresa Welsh - Climate and Consequence, Interview with UN News Geneva
UN News audio "Herculean effort" needed to make famine a thing of the past; UN coordinator - Mission to Somalia: ASG for Famine Prevention and Response Reena Ghelani visits Somalia
Flickr: album - Donor Fatigue, Somalia Aid Cuts Worry Aid Workers Interview with Harun Marouf
Voice of America: news - Mission to Ethiopia
LinkedIn UN OCHA post short video - Somalia on the brink of famine
RFI: news story
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