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Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries 30 May - 3 June 2011, Turkey

Conference Passes

Participants are advised that access to the Conference Complex will be allowed only upon presentation of a conference pass. To receive a conference pass, all participants need to be formally registered and accredited. 

Conference Passes can be picked up starting from 4 May 2011, at the Accreditation Centre at the Harbiye Military Museum and Cultural Centre (see map for details). To avoid long lines, it is recommended that badges be picked up at the participants’ earliest convenience.

Office hours:

4-6 May  9 a.m.-5 p.m.
7-8 May  8 a.m.-8 p.m.
9-10 May 7 a.m.-7 p.m.
11-12 May 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
13 May  9 a.m.-2 p.m.


Accreditation Procedure  

  • Official Government Delegations of States, including Parliamentarians attending the Parliamentary Forum;
  • Entities and Intergovernmental Organisations that have received standing invitations from the General Assembly to participate in Conference in the capacity of observers;
  • Specialised and related agencies of the United Nations;
  • Other intergovernmental organisations that have received invitations from OHRLLS

Registration and Accreditation for participants of the above categories are handled by the United Nations Protocol and Liaison Service. The necessary information and accreditation form can be found on the service’s website at www.un.int/protocol.

For more information please contact:
UN Protocol and Liaison Service
Att. Ms. Wai Tak Chua
Tel       + (212) 963 7181
Fax      + (212) 963 1921
Send an E-mail. 

 Accreditation for Civil Society 

  Registration and Accreditation for Civil Society Organizations is now Closed. 


Accreditation for Private Sector Representatives

The UN Global Compact Office is coordinating the organization of the private sector track events in collaboration with UN-OHRLLS. The UN Global Compact is a strategic policy initiative for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.

Business representatives interested in participating in the High-Level Meeting on Investment and Partnerships and/or in Global Business Partnership Forum may contact the UN Global Compact Office directly.
Important: Representatives of business organization based in LDCs (such as Chambers of Commerce, Trade Promotion Organizations, Investment Promotion Organization, etc) will be able to able to promote their country’s opportunities as well as their organization for free, at LDC country booths.The Host Country has made available some funds to finance the participation of these LDC representatives.
For more details, please contact Ms. Deniz Ozturk at the Global Compact :
Deniz Ozturk
UN Global Compact
DC2-615C, 2 UN Plaza
New York, NY 10017
Tel: +1 (917) 367-3421
Registrations for individual companies at the Trade Fair are managed by the local partner organizations and interested companies can register on the trade fair website.

Accreditation for Media Represenatives 


Media accreditation is strictly reserved for members of the press - print, photo, radio, TV, film, news agencies, and online media who represent a bona fide media organization (Full guidelines available here ).

A.  Request for a media accreditation

All members of the press will need an accreditation, even those who already have an UN media accreditation in New York or in Geneva.


In order to obtain your accreditation, please follow these steps:

  • Provide a letter of assignment on official letterhead of a media organization signed by the Publisher or Editor-in-chief indicating the name and duration of assignment of the journalist.
  • Address it to Isabelle Broyer, Chief, Media Accreditation and Liaison Unit, United Nations Department of Public Information.
  • Send it by fax to 1-212-963-4642 or as a scanned document in jpeg or PDF format to malu@un.org.
  • Complete our online accreditation form

If you are a member of the media accompanying Heads of State/Government or heads of delegation:

  • Have an official letter from the country concerned faxed or email to the Media Accreditation and Liaison Unit (see contact numbers above).
  • It should list the names of the media representatives with their functional titles and affiliation.

B. Pick-up of your accreditation

Members of the media who do not have a valid UN media accreditation will have to come in person to have their photo taken and to pick up their badges from the Conference Accreditation Centre at the Harbiye Cultural Centre, 34267 Harbiye, Istanbul, Turkey


When you come to pick up your accreditation, please bring the following documents:

  • Original letter of assignment.
  • Your passport and/or valid photo ID (driver’s license, national ID card, valid press ID card, etc)

Double Accreditation: No double accreditation is allowed (e.g. as press and delegate, or as press and NGO).

C. Media Center

A Media Centre will be located in the Hilton Congress and Convention Centre. It will be equipped with closed-circuit television and a press documentation counter. It will be for the exclusive use of the accredited press. 


For more information please contact:
Isabelle Broyer
Media Accreditation and Liaison Unit
United Nations - L-248C
New York, NY 10017
Tel. 1-212-963-6937

Accreditation for UN Officials

To expedite the issuance of conference passes to UN system officials that do not have to be accredited through UN Protocol, UN Departments/Offices/Organizations (further details can be found here) are kindly requested to provide OHRLLS with the following information:

  • Names of staff members from your Department/Office/Organization who will be attending the Conference; 
  • Names of any resource persons in your delegation who do not have a UN issued ground pass; 
  • Arrival and departure dates, in and out of Istanbul, of the Heads of Departments/Offices/Organizations who are attending the Conference.
 Please send the above information to Mr. Peter Kenilorea by 26 April, 2011.