Thai migrant workers leaving Thailand to work abroad. Bangkok, Thailand, 2017. IOM / Benjamin Suomela
General Assembly
- International Migration Review Forum 2022
- Summit for Refugees and Migrants - 19 September 2016
- New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants (A/RES/71/1)
- High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development (3-4 October 2013)
- High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development (14-15 September 2006)
Global Forum on Migration and Development
- Twelfth Meeting (Quito, Ecuador, 20-24 Jan 2020)
- Eleventh (Palmeraie Palace, Marrakesh, 5-7 Dec 2019)
- Tenth Meeting (Berlin Germany, 28-30 June 2017)
- Ninth Meeting (Dhaka, Bangladesh 10-12 December 2016)
- Eighth Meeting (Istanbul, Turkey 14-16 October 2015)
- Seventh Meeting (Stockholm, Sweden14-16 May 2014)
- Sixth meeting (Port Louis, Mauritius, 21-22 November 2012)
- Fifth meeting (Geneva, Switzerland, 1-2 December 2011)
- Fourth meeting (Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 8-11 November 2010)
- Third meeting (2 - 5 November 2009, Athens, Greece)
- Second meeting (27 - 30 October 2008, Manila, Philippines)
- First meeting (9 - 11 July 2007, Brussels, Belgium)