United Nations Transforming Education Summit
16-17 & 19 September 2022
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Thank you for registering to attend the Transforming Education Summit.
Special Event Tickets, required for entry into the UN Headquarters for the Summit, will be distributed by the Executive Office of the Secretary-General at the United Nations Headquarters Visitor Check-in Office, located at 801 1st Ave., New York, NY 10017 (corner of 45th Street and 1st Avenue) - Google Maps - Bing Maps
Tickets will be distributed over the following days / times:
- Thursday 15 September, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm;
- Friday 16 September, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm;
- Saturday 17 September, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
- Saturday 17 September, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm;
- Sunday 18 September, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.
All participants must bring a government issued photo ID from a UN Member or Observer State.
In line with the arrangements for high-level meetings of the seventy-seventh session of the General Assembly, please be aware of the following:
- All persons will be required to attest as a condition of entry that they have not had symptoms of or been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the previous five days or, for those who are not up to date with vaccinations, have not had a close contact in the previous five days.
- All attendees are required to wear a mask or face covering at all times when inside the General Assembly and Conference Building, except when eating/drinking or directly addressing a meeting.
- Do not attend if you are feeling unwell or if you are having flu like symptoms. Attendees who become ill are requested to leave the complex immediately and seek medical care.
- International travelers are required to have met local incoming travel requirements as they relate to COVID-19. Details for incoming travelers are available at www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/noncitizens-US-air-travel.html#anchor_1634928804881.
The Transforming Education Summit will be convened during the high-level week of the General Assembly at UN Headquarters, and is composed of:
- Mobilization Day on Friday 16 September
- Solutions Day on Saturday 17 September
- Leaders Day on Monday 19 September
Dowload the Full programme
See the Concept Note and the Programme Outline.
Please also visit the Summit programme page.
Please note that space is limited during the Leaders Day on September 19. Letters of invitation to participate in the Summit do not grant access to the UNHQ building. Access will only be possible for those who have had their expression of interest accepted by the TES Secretariat and who are in possession of government-issued identification and a special event ticket (indicating the specific meeting, date and time) issued by the UN.
For further information, please see the Information Note.
You can follow the proceedings online, which will be broadcast via United Nations Web TV. Please note that it is not necessary to register as a virtual participant.
Member States interested in presenting a National Statement of Commitment to Transform Education during the Leaders Day on 19 September are invited to apply to the provisional list of speakers through the e-Speakers module in the e-deleGATE portal.
Registration is now open and the deadline for inscription is Tuesday 6 September 2022.
National Statement of Commitment to Transform Education
Member States are invited to provide a written National Statement of Commitment to Transform Education that will be delivered by Heads of State by email to estatements@un.org in both PDF and Word as soon as possible, in order to facilitate assignment of speaking times and translation services. The ultimate deadline for the submission of revised or new national statement is 9:00am EST on 19 September 2022.
Please see the guidance for preparing a national statement of commitment attached to the Concept Note and Programme Outline (Annex 2).
A report on national consultations
Member States that have not submitted their report on national consultations by the Monday 22 August deadline are nevertheless encouraged to submit their reports for publication on the TES website. Submit reports to: tes.nationalconsultations@unesco.org
Member States can send a pre-recorded video message from a Head of State and Government wishing to address the Summit but unable to attend in person. The video message will not be presented on the Leaders Day of the Summit. It will be posted to the Summit website and will inform the final report of the Summit.
Member States wishing to submit a video statement are encouraged to preparing the video considering the following:
- Length: 3 minutes (max.)
- Resolution: 4K or 1080P
- Film orientation: Horizontal
- File Type: MOV or MP4
- Language: English or one of the official UN languages
- Script: Please provide the full transcript of the video
- Name and Title: Please provide the following: Name of speaker; title/function; Country along with the transcript
- Note: Please do not add any text, graphics or subtitles to the video
- Send: the video to tes.videos@unesco.org
If the video is too large, use a service such as WeTransfer, Google Drive etc. and send the link to the above email address along with the details requested.
Please submit any inquiries related to video statements to the above email address.
Upon registration approval, the online registration platform (INDICO) will generate a letter that can be attached to a visa application.
In principle, your participation is at your own cost. The TES Secretariat, however, provides funding support for participation of youth representatives upon request and review.
For online registration, you will receive an email confirmation. In case you do not receive a confirmation, please contact us as follows:
Member States, UN staff members, Media: tes@unesco.org
Other participants, including youth and civil society: tes.registration@unesco.org
Side meetings and events
There will be no side meetings or events outside of the official programme of the Summit organized at the UN Headquarters complex during the Transforming Education Summit.
On Solutions Day on 17 September, however, events and sessions will be organized as part of the official programme of the Summit to mobilize support to launch or scale up initiatives connected to the five Thematic Action Tracks. For more details on events and sessions on the Solution Day, please see the Frequently Asked Questions and Answers about the Solutions Day.
As events and sessions on the Mobilization Day (16 September) and the Solutions Day (17 September) are part of the official programme of the Summit, they are open only to those whose registration requests have been accepted by the TES Secretariat. For more details, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions and Answers about the Mobilization Day (forthcoming).
Member State delegates and their staff, staff members of the United Nations Secretariat and of the funds, programmes and agencies of the United Nations system; accredited media, and affiliates with a valid United Nations grounds pass (or a Laissez Passer where applicable) will be able to access UN headquarters complex and attend the Summit events and sessions on 16 and 17 September.
All other actors (including civil society, non-governmental organizations, the private sector) are required to register online to request a special events ticket.
Active engagement and mobilization to transform education is highly welcome. Please note, however, that any meeting or event to be organized outside the official programme of the Summit before, during or after the Transforming Education Summit (16-17, and 19 September 2022) will not be considered as an official side meeting or event of the Summit. As such, no logistical or organizational support will be provided by the TES Secretariat for the organization of those side meeting or events.
Please take 10 minutes of your time to provide details on any meeting or event you are planning: https://forms.office.com/r/n3MghFdaA7. This will help us understand how a social movement is being developed around the Summit.
Services and facilities
The working languages of the Transforming Education Summit are the six United Nations official languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish).
The events and sessions on the Mobilization Day (16 September) and the Solutions Day (17 September) may be organized in English and some other languages.
Please note that there will be no airport/station pick-up or transportation services arranged for the participants of the Summit.
Yes, there is open Wi-Fi for guests in the United Nations building and meeting rooms, for which no password is required.
For information regarding medical services and assistance, please see page 19 of the information note on Arrangements for the high-level meetings and the general debate of the seventy-seventh session of the General Assembly (A/INF/77/4).
For information regarding arrangements for persons with disabilities, please see page 21 of the information note on Arrangements for the high-level meetings and the general debate of the seventy-seventh session of the General Assembly (A/INF/77/4).
Sanitary measures
For information regarding the practical arrangements for the conduct of the high-level meetings and general debate of the seventy-seventh session of the General Assembly in light of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, please see the information note on Arrangements for the high-level meetings and the general debate of the seventyseventh session of the General Assembly (A/INF/77/4).